231 to 240 of 251
  • by Lindsey Pollak - July 28, 2009
    It used to be so easy: entry-level professionals applied for entry-level jobs; mid-level professionals applied for mid-level jobs and senior-level people eventually retired.Ah, the good old days.Today, due to the economic recession, it feels as though everyone is competing with everyone for a limited number of positions. When this happens, the lowest ones on the totem pole are particularly vulnerable. According to a survey...
  • by Lindsey Pollak - May 12, 2009
    In a bad economy, college students and recent grads need to try everything they can to land a job or internship. One often-overlooked resource is the world of professional associations. These organizations exist to support, educate, and provide resources for professionals in a particular industry or profession. Some are really small and others are as huge as corporations. Some are full of young members and others cou...
  • by Lindsey Pollak - April 20, 2009
    Question: Right after graduation in 2007 I got a job working full time in the office of a small local company that is well known and respected in my community. While the position itself had nothing to do with what I studied and I knew it would eventually bore me, I needed the immediate income and health benefits as my parents could no longer support me. I intended to stay for about a year and half and then move on. Mentally...
  • by Lindsey Pollak - March 20, 2009
    This Saturday’s New York Times featured a front-page story about how the recession is prompting some people to start their own businesses instead of looking for new jobs. It’s an encouraging story if you’ve ever considered the option of creating your own venture, large or small.While some people decide to dive headfirst into entrepreneurship, others feel more comfortable dipping in a toe, then an ankle, then a knee before s...
  • by Lindsey Pollak - March 20, 2009
    Question: I graduated in May with a political science major and am wondering what to do next. My plan was to apply to law school, but with so much student debt already incurred I am having second thoughts. I am currently working at a bank as a teller, but this is not the career I wish to pursue. With the current recession and unemployment rate I am terrified that I will be a bank teller forever. Any suggestions? — Lauren, R...
  • by Lindsey Pollak - February 17, 2009
    Q: I’ve been applying for jobs since September and have not been called for a single interview. I’ve taken my resume to Career Services for a review and some tips, but still nothing. How can I make my resume stand out in a crowd?A: You’ve taken the right first step, which is having an expert — in your case, career services — review your resume and make sure it’s the best it can be. However, having a good resume is not enoug...
  • by Lindsey Pollak - February 11, 2009
    If you walked around midtown Manhattan during the summer, you might have seen the financial executive, in his late 40s, who paraded around in a sandwich board declaring "Experienced MIT Grad for Hire" and handing out copies of his resume. A few months later, you might have come across a group of job-hunting, 20-something recent graduates promoting their skills though sidebar advertisements on Facebook and links to their onl...
  • by Lindsey Pollak - January 28, 2009
    Today's wireless world offers an endless array communication choices, giving businesses and individuals a myriad of efficient options to keep in touch with the rest of the world. But in many cases, the proliferation of choices has also blurred the rules of professional protocol. The way you choose to communicate at work has now become as important as what you say when you communicate.Check out this scenario: Kylie is stuck...
  • by Lindsey Pollak - January 26, 2009
    As spring break approaches, many college students are making plans for summer internships. As I’ve blogged about previously, internships are more important for young professionals than ever. Thanks to Heather Huhman, of the Entry Level Careers Examiner, for sharing eight of my tips for internship achievement.1. Learn how work is different from school. Of course, the most exciting difference between college and the real worl...
  • by Lindsey Pollak - January 20, 2009
    I try to read everything in the news about Generation Y and careers. This means I regularly find myself plodding through frustrating stories about how the Millennials are “entitled,” “coddled” and “disloyal.” Friday’s article on MSNBC.com is yet another maddening example. When did the Baby Boomers mantra “Don’t trust anyone over 30” turn into “Don’t trust anyone under 30”? Why, during the worst economy in over 60 year...